May 24, 2011

Popol Vuh 1

I'm posting excerpts of the Popol vuh, the Mayan Creation story, for my reasons why May 22 post. :) I'm using the Dennis Tedlock translated, 1996 copyright.

A prayer that daykeepers recite when they go to public shrines:

Make my guilt vanish, 
Heart of Sky, Heart of Earth;
do me a favor,
give me strength, give me courage
in my heart, in my head, 
since you are my mountain and my plain;
may there be no falsehood and no stain, 
and may this reading of the Popol Vuh
come out clear as dawn,
and may the sifting of ancient times 
be complete in my heart, in my head;
and make my guilt vanish
my grandmothers, grandfathers
and however many souls of the dead there may be
you who speak with the Heart of Sky and Earth,
may all of you together give strenght 
to the reading I have undertaken.


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