March 9, 2011

Its Springtime!

Yay! One of my favorite times of year, the cold is ending! Cherryblossoms

For my followers who didn't quite understand the Khalil Gibran quote on Buying and Selling, sorry! Basically, he said that you must be fair in your monetary transactions, or else you will not actually be obtaining any good. He writes in beautiful, quasi-religious metaphors. Even if you don't agree with his particular religious point of view, he sets up many good "ground rules" for human interaction and behavior. For more information, check out his book The Prophet, its a very easy read.


  1. Sun is shining, snow has gone
    <3 spring

  2. I like the cherry blossoms, they are very beautiful

  3. Springtime is my favorite time also! Because its more warm, and summer is comming!
    (I don't read a lot so I doubt I will read the prophet, excuse me for my honesty!)
